SKETCHBOOK was originally created by Totan Kobako and is directed by Yoshimasa Hiraike, written by Mari Okada with character designs by Isao Sugimoto,. SKETCHBOOK is a tale of rediscovering beauty in the rustic and one young girl’s desire to seize the moments of life through her sketches.
This title will be available to all Crunchyroll fans and members residing in the U.S., American Samoa, U.S. Minor Outlying Islands, Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands, and Canada.
Title Synopsis:
A high school girl, Sora Kajiwara, joins the art club. Sora carries around a sketchbook to wherever she goes, in order to capture cherished moments. She asks herself, "If I really wanted to remember the moments in everyday life, and to seize every moment of all the events that happen, why not use a camera or video camera?" However, it just isn't the same. What's not shot, what's not spoken, what's not heard, but what is left in her drawings; which flourishes and blooms inside her heart.
Those who are a bit tired of the busy everyday life will enjoy rediscovering the beauty of ordinary things such as animals, plants, and the changing colors and scenery of the sky.
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