Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Fan's POV: Zenkaikon 2009 - TL:DR Blog

Here's the Reader's Digest version of Zenkaikon blog

-6.5 out of 10 Rating
-Needs to find a bigger space to hold the convention
-After the dust settles, Zenkaikon will be looking for a bigger space (couldn't tell us where yet)
-Zenkaikon believes that over 2000 attended the convention including press and staff (About 500% increase from their first convention)
-Staff didn't except the turnout to be this big.
-Saturday day badges were sold out by 12pm Saturday.
-Congoers purchased Sunday passes, when Saturday sold out.
-Plenty of events and panels were there, but none that interested me right away.
-Dealer's Room and Artist Alley need to combine to make an epic Dealer's Alley
-Musician's Artist Alley was an awesome idea
-Perfect place for a beginning cosplayer to perfect their craft.
-Parking was awesome and the fountain was pretty.
-Johnny Yong Bosch and Trina Nishimura were both Asian and awesome for giving us interviews.
-HOLY CRAP, CON FOOD WAS LOGICALLY PRICED! (Take that, Los Angeles Convention Center!)

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